Accessing the URA Registration Portal
To access the Customer application form on the online portal, the applicant needs to follow the steps below.
The screen below shows the online portal for URA that will allows applicants to register an account on the portal or sign in.
To register for a new account, select Create Account
- Fill the following details.
- Note that the email address is mandatory.
- After filling the form click on the Register button
- Applicant will receive an email upon registration
- Applicant will receive his username and password by email.
- Upon first login, Applicant will be prompted to change his password
- It is to be noted that the password to be entered has the following requirements:
- Password length must be a minimum of 8 characters
- Password must contain at least one uppercase, or capital, letter (ex: A, B, etc.)
- Password must contain at least one lowercase letter
- Password must contain at least one number digit (ex: 1, 2, 3, etc.)
- Password must contain at least one special character -for example: $, #, @,!, %,^,&,*