URA Mauritius | Utility Regulatory Authority
URA, URAMauritius
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Mission Statement

To promote:

  1.  Fair competition in the Utilities Sector
  2.  Utility consumer rights and awareness
  3.  Affordable and fair tariffs and premium quality services to all”

Vision Statement

“To be a responsible regulator for sustainable utilities”

Core Values
  1. “Dedicated to teamwork and treating our internal and external stakeholders with due care and respect”
  2. “Being honest, fair and ethical in all our actions”
  3. “Innovation driven to sustain the regulated sectors”
  4. “Being transparent and responsible for our actions”
  5. “Demonstrating competence, expertise and independence in all our activities”

 “Leading in Utility Regulation”

Legislation Documents
More Information

Some amendments were made to the Act in 2008, essentially with regard to the method of appointment of the Chairperson and Commissioners. In 2016, further amendments were made, this time with regard to the qualifications and experience of the Chairperson and Commissioners..



In 2004, the Government of Mauritius approved the setting up of a Utility Regulatory Authority (URA) and the URA Act was enacted in November 2004 to set up a regulatory framework for the electricity, water and wastewater sectors. However, the Authority did not become operational since the Board was not constituted. Some amendments were made to the Act in 2008, essentially with regard to the method of appointment of the Chairperson and Commissioners. In 2016, further amendments were made, this time with regard to the qualifications and experience of the Chairperson and Commissioners. The URA was officially launched in September 2016 with the appointment of the President and Commissioners in accordance with the provisions of the URA Act.


The Utility Regulatory Authority (URA) is an independent body set up by the Government of Mauritius and its role is to regulate the utility services, namely electricity, water and wastewater. Its objects are to ensure the sustainability and viability of the utility services; protect the interests of consumers; promote efficiency in both operations and investments in respect of utility services; and promote fair competition in the utility services industry.

Objectives of the Authority

Subject to the relevant Utility legislation, the objectives of the Authority shall be to –

ensure the sustainability and viability of utility services;

protect the interests of both existing and future customers;

promote efficiency in both operations and capital investments in respect of utility services;

promote competition to prevent unfair and anti-competitive practices in the utility services industry.